I don't know why those guys were booing LBJ. Like I said, I was shocked and appalled by it. It had to be either '65 or '66 because I don't remember it as being either early or late in my time in Berlin. I got there in September 1964 and left in February 1967. The Vietnam War and partisan politics in general were not of great concern to us, we were caught up in our own local issues most of the time. When we did talk about Vietnam, it was usually to criticize the tactics being employed. We thought they should fight and win the old fashioned way like they did in World War II. We had some Vietnam vets assigned to our unit towards the end of my tour. We had to re-train them because they didn't know how to do anything the way we did it in Berlin. They said it was hard to believe they were still in the same army.
The reason I thought the link I posted would be of interest is it attributed the recent spike in urban violence to both the corona thing and the George Floyd protests. I was surprised to hear that a lot of criminals were released early because of corona while, at the same time, the rest of us were being told to stay home and off the streets. Then there's this:
"The explosions started after the murder of George Floyd, after the protests here in the city, after the animosity towards the police within this city, after a feeling of emboldenment by the criminals on the streets that the cops can't do anything anymore, that no one likes the police, that they can get away with things and that it's safe to carry a gun on the street," Monahan said.
Gardening was one of the things I gave up some years ago in order to have the time and energy to do other things. It never was very productive anyway, our soil and climate are not the best you know. My main focus now is on hobby forestry.
Those ducks that nested in a tree had to be wood ducks, unless you mean they nested on the ground under the tree, in which case they were probably mallards. Both of those species often nest a surprising distance away from the water. Soon after the ducklings hatch, their mother leads them in a single file march to the water. Once they launch, they never return to their terrestrial birthplace again.
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