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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

the caravan

I think a certain amount of attention to the lamestream news is a responsibility of a Beaglestonian pontificator.  I mean if you don't know anything you don't have anything to say.  If you are unaware of this caravan then you really need to increase your lamestream media intake lest you become a conversation dropout.  (Do either of the dawgs remember that ad about being a conversation dropout?  I thought it was Time Magazine, but five minutes on the internet doesn't show me anything.)

A cursory view of the migrants and a few interviews indicated to me that there were more women and children than men, but maybe I should have looked closer.  CNN had a guy embedded in the group, but I haven't heard from him lately.  Surely somebody has more info on these guys, but I'm not hearing it.  I imagine the composition is changing as it heads north.

The reason the immigrants/refugees in Europe kept pushing instead of being processed orderly in the first country they reached was because the first country you were processed in became the place they stayed and most of them wanted to end up in France rather than Greece.  Whatever happened to those guys anyway?  Surely they are still coming?  Why don't we hear about them anymore?

And again we could hear more about these guys.  Apparently it was some kind of spontaneous thing in Honduras,.somebody said I've had it, I'm going to the US to apply for asylum and the next person said me to, and so on and so on.  There was probably some charismatic leader, religious I would expect.  From what I've heard people have been helping them out along the way.  The people along the way aren't rich, so you wonder how much they could help, but then these guys don't seem to need much help, just a little something to eat and a place to lie down and sleep.

Inasmuch as this is a motley group and not a big time dictator I don't think Beagles needs to worry about Doanld falling in love with them.  And this anti Mexican thing has been a core part, I daresay the major component of his appeal so I don't see him changing that.

I'm just going to assume that Beagles's fantasy about Americans shooting at each other because they speak different languages is some kind of attempt at humor.

Did another search for conversation dropout and it appears to be a campaign by the Chicago Daily News circa 1967.  Just a local thing I guess, why it doesn't appear in a cursory Google searh.  I don't know why it didn't go viral.  Well I guess things didn't go viral back then.

Here's a household hint for the Dawgs.  If you don't want that unsightly stretch of blank space to follow your post delete everything up to your last word before you post.  Like this.

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