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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

tromp, tromp, tromp

Did Old Dog's documentary cover Japan eating the rest of Asia before Pearl Harbor?  There was some general who went rogue and conquered a good part of northern/China/Mongolia and claimed it was an independent country, well an independent country aligned closely with Japan.  The counterpart of MacArthur on our side but more successful.  Clint Eastwood directed a pretty good movie Flags of our Fathers, a counterpoint to Letters from Iwo Jima, but from the Japanese side.  I give both movies thumbs up.

At the moment of this writing Christine Ford is refusing to testify unless the FBI investigates first.  I don't know, this looks weak.  It looks like the reps will just roll on with the nomination.  Probably the dems will make a big deal out of it, attempting to sway Collins and Murkowski, and maybe some other senators fearful of the blue wave.  Kind of dirty pool I admit, since there is so far no hard evidence of this event, but it's not unheard of to do a little bad to create a greater good.

Here's where an opponent of Uncle Ken would accuse me of believing the ends justify the means, to which I would reply yes I do, everybody does, we do it all the time.  This hypocritical indignation of the ends justifying the means is a weak argument, like slippery slope, and so is your mother.

There are all kinds of ways we are planning on punishing Canada for legalizing pot.  Trump doesn't like Canada because the prime minister (I had to go to google to get his title right, shame on me) insulted him and that pecky ol' possum, Sessions, hates pot.

The \autumnal equinox is upon us this Saturday.  Tragic, but really mostly symbolic, days have been getting shorter since three months ago, the fact that we now cross the line where days are shorter than nights is rather trivial, and still plenty of warm days ahead, the Trib is calling for 91 degrees tomorrow.  Somewhere far north of Beaglesonia Old Man Winter is trudging across the terrain in his creaky boots, but thus far we cannot hear his trod.

Monday, November 4th, we will glance out the window towards suppertime, and see, bam, night's black curtain slammed shut on us.  There may be some Halloween candy remaining in the bowl, but outside the cheery Jack O Lantern will be crumbling, Thanksgiving crapola will line the shelves of Walgreens, and the trod of Old Man Winter's boots will be like thunder.  Hunker down, hunker down, the soft green shoots will not be seen for, well, it will seem like an eternity.

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