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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

I Gets Weary

I suppose it's just me, but I get tired of hearing the same news stories over and over again.  It's not just because I'm old either.  I was tired of Watergate long before anybody else I knew at the time.  By the way, is this Woodward guy the same Woodward guy who blew the lid off of Watergate?  If so, he must be pretty long in the tooth himself.  Assuming that he was at least 20 back in the day, he must be about as old as I am.  Come to think of it, Trump is also about as old as I am.  How do these old farts come up with the energy to run around making public spectacles of themselves like that when it takes me longer to put up a winter's supply of firewood than it takes me to burn it?  Like the old saying goes:  "Work is not as much fun as it used to be, fun is more work that it used to be, and it takes me longer to rest up than it took me to get tired."

I watch the Weather Channel a lot, and I am really tired of hearing about Hurricane Florence.  It's finally supposed to make landfall tomorrow. Then, after a couple weeks of post hurricane coverage, we might finally be done with it.  I'll be so happy when hurricane season is done and they will start covering something interesting like snowstorms.  I wish they wouldn't give names to those snowstorms, though, it just encourages them.

Then there's Syria.  Last I heard, the Russians were about to invade the last rebel stronghold. Then I read last night that there is a different rebel stronghold that it being protected by our guys.  I suppose this different rebel stronghold is being strongly held by a different bunch of rebels.  Uncle Ken has previously explained to me that there are several rebel groups fighting against the Assad regime and also each other.  The Balkans used to be like that, and maybe they still are.  Last I heard, the UN called for a cease fire, which means the good guys must have been winning.  

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