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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Why do we talk so much?

Actually (this is the word I use when I am being obnoxious Ken and making a correction) if Cretans settled Crete they would have named it something else because 'Crete' is Crete in English, they would have named it something in Greek or Turkish, probably they would have used both names and each lived in a different side of town and there would be UN troops patrolling down the middle of their Main Street.

Going to the wiki for more facts my face turns red as I realize what I am talking about is Cyprus, not Crete.  That's where they had the troubles in the sixties.  Odd I thought at the time that these two podunk countries were going to war over some podunk island, but then I realized that it was an echo of the Ottoman Empire, which, if you stretched things, an echo of those glorious Greek/Persian wars that have enriched our cultural heritage.

Crete, on the other hand had those Minoans who predated the Greeks and the Persians and had cities without walls which lead some to think they didn't have wars.  They did have that unfortunate volcano however.

Absolutely about the mobile devices.  If either Old Dog or I had a sooper dooper phone, most of our seminar time would consist of us tapping our fingers on the bar with maybe an occasional how about those Cubs, or how about those Bears?

I think Libya, Somalia, and Yemen are just being droned or maybe bombed by our allies, but who can keep track?  Yemen is maybe the craziest of a crazy bunch.  The Saudis are bombing the fuck out of the Houthis who came storming out of the mountains  maybe last year and are some kind of Shias, but not the same as the Iranis (Persians popping up again), who are not particularly fond of them, but a Shia is a Shia as far as the Saudis are concerned, and being as how they are a bunch of clowns with shiny new American weapons, they are basically bombing whatever moves.  And Al Qaeda is in there sort of as Saudi allies because they are Sunnis.  And the US backs them because we needed to throw them a sop so that we could get the Iran anti nuke deal done.

I don't think it's a deal breaker with the Trumpists if their man spent a little time in the loony bin.  After all didn't he shoot that guy on 5th Avenue just to watch him die?  I imagine he could have sex with a hooker at the same place and his backers would think that was groovy also, and if they didn't he could just say it never happened and they would all believe him because one after another they consistently say that they trust him.  If you can't trust a guy who once had a tv show that was a moderate hit, who can you trust?

The point is well taken from Old Dog about how people talk to figure out what they think about something.  I can run things through my head, but it's better if there is someone else there to point out when what I am saying doesn't make sense, and that is where I get my arguing from.  When somebody says something different from what I am thinking I want to know why they think what they do.

Of course writing is even better, because there are the words in black and white that can't be changed and you can go back and look at them anytime.  And when you write you just naturally put more thought into what you say.

But I think only a small part of our conversation is of that nature.  I think there is something deeper going on.  What do you think?

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