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Thursday, September 1, 2016

It's here someplace

Honey Locust, that's the one.  Thanks, Mr. Beagles.


I read recently that everyone born after 1985 has always had the Internet, and make of that what you will.  I do know that digital tools and media have affected the way I think, and not always for the better.

Uncle Ken can read an article in the Trib, I could read the same article online but the experiences are vastly different although the content is the same.  The level of engagement is different, and that matters in how we remember things.  I'm looking at the same little screen that I read a lot of other stuff on, and he has a nice discrete physical object spread out on a table, or perhaps folded to be held in hand.  He can put it aside for later perusal and easily recover it.  Unless I bookmarked the page I may never find that article again; it happens.

There was I time when I printed out tons of stuff, mostly technical,for later reading.  Now I bookmark pages I think may be useful, but that has it's own flaws.  Links die, images aren't cached, and the full content may never be restored in it's original form.  It has been said that once something is online it will be around forever, on some server, somewhere.  That may be true, but it's also likely that it will never be found by me.


Don't know what to make of the Big Cheeto's recent Mexican excursion.  He gives a mild, almost deferential and positive little talk there, and returns to the US, ranting like a loon.  It's like he's trying too hard to lose the election; he didn't plan on winning but wanted to enhance his "brand."  Maybe he will try shooting someone on Fifth Avenue.


Since none of us seem to be feeling old enough, here's the newest Beloit College mindset list:

Beware of false pundits.

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