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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Old Dog Make Small Joke ?

"Ft. Polk was a lovely place in the late summer," If I remember correctly, Fort Polk is in Louisiana, and I find it hard to believe that it's a lovely place at any time of year, much less late summer. I've never been to Louisiana myself, but I spent July and August of 1964 in Fort Gordon, Georgia, and I imagine that Louisiana is worse than that. The heat and humidity were so bad that they frequently had to call off training because they were afraid we would come down with heat stroke. Then they would wake us up at 3:00 AM the next day to make up the training we had missed. Normal wake up time was 5:00 AM, so they figured anything before that was just free time that they could use at their convenience.

It was so humid that, after you cleaned your rifle with solvent, you had to oil it up immediately or it would rust before your eyes. The armorers normally accepted a rifle that had been oiled when you turned it in at the end of the day but, when we were turning them in for the last time, they required a "dry inspection", which meant no oil. We were told that, once our rifles had passed the dry inspection, we could oil them up and turn them in to the arms room. We all lined up in the blazing sun to have our rifles inspected, but they only passed two or three of them before the rust set in, and then they sent the rest of us back into the barracks to clean them again. This went on for the better part of the day, but at least we finally got it done so we didn't have to resume the exercise at 3:00 the next morning.

Looking back on it, with all the shit we had to put up with growing up, it's a wonder that we turned out as good as we did.

I saw this guy on TV yesterday who is running for president as an independent. His first name is "Evan", but I have forgotten his last name. I guess I should have written it down but, I figured that we would hear more about him in due time, unless he craps out, in which case his name will be unimportant. I have never heard of a presidential candidate running as an independent, but I like the idea.

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