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Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Debunking Uncle Ken

We interrupt this debunking to bring you this breaking story:

Our local news is still broadcasting but without commercials.  They are filling in the gaps with extra weather reports, which I find to be a refreshing change.  And now back to our regularly scheduled debunking:

Political labels are changing all the time.  Back when Teddy Roosevelt was president he called himself a "progressive", and he was a Republican.  When I went to school, a fascist was a national socialist while a communist was an international socialist.  Hitler turned out to be more of a Hitlerist than a socialist, but he kept the national socialist label, which is what the anacronym "NAZI" stands for in the German language.  Generally, communists have always called people they don't like "fascists", so I figure if somebody calls you a fascist, you must be doing something right.  

 "A short google search reveals no treaties ever signed between Red China and Taiwan, and in the case of Taiwan and Panama, their change of hands took place only after their treaties expired."

Of course Red China and Taiwan have never signed a treaty with each other.  The treaty to which I referred was between Taiwan and the US.  We did not have diplomatic relations with Red China until Nixon recognized their government and threw Taiwan under the bus.  To this day, the US maintains an unofficial relationship with Taiwan while maintaining an official relationship with Red China.  Taiwan has since given up their claim to be the legitimate government of all China, but Red China still claims to own Taiwan, although they haven't done anything to enforce it, at least not yet.  Taiwan maintains a fragile hold on its independence, possibly because they have never formally declared it to the world, which might cause Red China to dispute it militarily in order to save face.  

The Panama Canal treaty was between Panama and the US, not Taiwan.  It was supposed to last forever, but was later re-negotiated. 

In 1904, the Isthmian Canal Convention was proclaimed. In it, the Republic of Panama granted to the United States in perpetuity the use, occupation, and control of a zone of land and land under water for the construction, maintenance, operation, sanitation, and protection of the canal. From 1903 to 1979, the territory was controlled by the United States, which had purchased the land from the private and public owners, built the canal and financed its construction. The Canal Zone was abolished in 1979, as a term of the Torrijos–Carter Treaties two years earlier; the canal itself was later under joint U.S.–Panamanian control until it was fully turned over to Panama in 1999.

Panama Canal Zone - Wikipedia

Last I heard, the change in Poland's immigration law had passed their legislature and was only awaiting their president's signature, which was predicted to happen any day now.  I believe their international agreement was with the European Union, from which Poland might withdraw if they gave them any shit about it.

I don't care how many politicians buckle under to the gay lobby, I never voted for gay marriage and I never will.  I would vote for Liz Cheney if she ran against Trump, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with every position she takes.  Peeling potatoes has nothing to do with marriage, gay or otherwise.  If you want peeled potatoes for supper, somebody has got to peel them, and it might as well be you.

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