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Thursday, May 11, 2023

gun control and jetsam

 I don't believe the Biden administration has done much of anything about gun control. Nor did Trump, or Obama.  This is not one of those issues that goes back and forth with administrations.  It has been a trend towards selling guns willy nilly to anybody with some bucks in their pocket since 2004 when the assault weapons ban expired.  The gun nuts have won victory in case after case.  Remember when concealed weapons was controversial?  When they won that one they thought well, why should we conceal them and came out with open carry.  

When you say legislatures are being under pressure, don't you mean that they are afraid they will lose elections because they are way off in what their constituencies want?

It seems to me that you were once soft on background checks and red flags and those quaint gun classes, but I could be mistaken.  

Anyway I was just checking to see if this recent spat of mass killings had affected you in any way and I see that they have not, and I am dropping the subject.

Yes indeed, Old Dog early spring is the nicest time of the year.  I think of it as the time when you open the pizza box and the pent up aromas rise up to greet you.  Once you extract the first slice and take a bite, it is still fine and the aroma is as strong as it was before, but you know, you do not have the entire pizza to eat anymore.  In a few weeks we will no longer have those blossom busting bursts and those windy days where you need to wear a jacket, but we will no longer have all of spring to look forward to.

This NASCAR thing is way up there in the worst idea category.  We will lose Grant Park for much of the summer.  Well, you may say irresponsible budgeters that we are, we have to make sacrifices to come up with dough.  The problem is we will not be making much dough on the deal, unlike Lollapaloosa where we make much more and the Lollababes are much easier on the eye than those metal beasts.  I did go to see the stock racers at Soldiers Field with my scout troop and I thought it was swell, but of course I was only ten years old.

Oh and a little self promotion here.

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