To be properly commie you have to have that from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs thing. Which to my knowledge is not going on in Russia or Red China. To be fascist all you need is some dictator whose word is law. Therefore I would call Putin a fascist, and as far as his calling the Ukes fascist, that's just to rally the Russkies in remembering The Great Patriotic War, and anyway the guy is just plain full of shit.
And anyway these are just labels to be tossed about. Uncle Ken's rule is you can call yourself whatever you want. And the corollary is that everybody else can call you what they want.
But I want to talk about gun control today. I have spoken of it before and it is the most intransigent issue I have ever encountered in these ivied halls.
But things are different now. The reps have been so successful on the pro gun issue that now in many parts of the USA it is no big deal for a crazy teen with a criminal history to get an AR-15 and consequently there have been spates of mass killings like every week. I mean what did the reps think would happen? The thing has gotten so out of hand that republican reps in the state of Texas are saying well maybe we should not sell AR-15's to kids under 18. Which is really just a baby step, but that there is a step at all is mind boggling.
I am currently engaged in a fb 'conversation' with a classmate of Beagles and I, Steve Hogan, who has an armada of superweapons because, because guns you know. But as far as I know Beagles just has Old Betsy and all he wants to do is shoot a deer once a year and eat that sweet venison until it is all gone. Mostly though he has been strongly against any gun control measure on the theory that this is one more hurdle the dems will have to go through before they do a Mar A Largo on the freehold and pry Old Betsy from his hands.
I am just wondering if, in the light of what is going on, if Beagles has softened his stance on any of the all weapons at all times to all people measures of the current GOP.
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