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Thursday, April 6, 2023

the shutdown

 My candidate, the teacher's union guy won the election, so I guess that's good.  The other guy was entirely too close to Catanzara, the prez of the Fraternal Office of Police, and one of those guys who believe when there is some questionable shooting that the police are always innocent.  

We almost always end up hating our mayors by the end of their rule and I was looking up former mayors on wiki and came across a list of vice mayors.  Vice mayors?  I don't remember hearing anything about that.  Well you learn things researching your blog posts.  All the more reason to post often.

The indictment was, well disappointing.  I didn't quite understand it when Bragg read it and then CNN put on one of Trump's lawyers and he trashed it, but Trump lawyer, so what?  But then they put on one of their pundits and he sort of trashed it too. Since then I have been reading pundits of various ilks and the responses are disturbingly various, so I don't know.  Even if it's all in good legal order, if it's so complicated how are you going to explain it to a jury?  And now nothing much happens until December so it's like no big deal.  It has set Trump to squawking and that never helps his case, so there is that.

I did want to get into the shutdown though.  I looked up that Michigan barber, Karl Manke though, and he is still kicking.  Sweden had that no shut down thing, and that didn't work well for them, even though Swedes are very responsible people.  I liked the Chinese model at the time which was lock 'em up.  Not very nice I know, but it seemed effective covid-wise.

At the time I favored something on the Chinese model but not so extreme.  My reasoning was that if we could isolate everybody for a week or two, the virus could not spread anywhere and that would be the end of it, and the expense and hassle of the lockdown would pay off by ending the plague which would go on for a couple years.

I would still be for it if I thought it would work, but in retrospect there is no way we could have isolated everybody and some virus would escape and have an open playground once the big shutdown was over. 

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