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Thursday, April 27, 2023

More a fascist than a commie

 Now look what you have gone and done, put your post behind a warning.  A little unfairly in my opinion and I read through Google's community standards and I would guess it was either hate speech, calling Biden a senile old Bastard, or sexually explicit for the joke about the cocksucker.

The senile is just standard republican boilerplate, a little strong though, doddering might be more apt.  But Bastard seemed uncalled for.  To me a bastard is a sonofabitch, which is to say kind of a mean guy, which I don't think fits Biden, and the capitalization of the word, kind of bizarre. 

I didn't find anything sexually explicit about the joke, which I thought was pretty good, by the way.  I think it is just the word cocksucker, and maybe the way it was used so often.  We are used to motherfucker, motherfuck this, motherfuck that, but cocksucker you don't hear so often so it is more shocking.  We'll see if the current post ends up behind a warning.  

Of course republicans have been calling every democrat a commie for as long as I can remember, but I think it is strange to call out FDR.  We could never have defeated Hitler without the Russkies.  And I know how you hate Nixon dropping down to visit the doddering Mao down in RED China.  But Nixon built his career calling other people commies.  It's been written that he went there thinking they would help him get out of Vietnam (which was pretty stupid because it was the Russkies backing the Vietnamese), or that he wanted to sell Big Macs there, or most likely to make more trouble between the RED Chinese and the Russkies, which sounds more like his style.  The man loved to start trouble.

The lamps are going out all over Europe some English diplomat wrote on the eve of WW I.  Less than thirty years later Churchill said the lights are going out in response to Mussolini, Franco, and Hitler.  And not too long ago we had Trump, and that Brexit guy, and the guys in India, and the Philippines, and in Brazil, Italy, and the darling of the current reps, the guy in Hungary.  And now in Russia too.  I see these guys as like the fascists of WW II, hatred of immigrants, minorities, democracy seen as a weakness, purveyors of the big lie, that kind of shit.  I think Putin is more a fascist than a commie and that's why they like him.

That's all for the day.  Interested to see if I too end up behind a warning for my copious use of the C word.

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