You know even as I was writing that distinction between communism and fascism I was thinking what's the damn difference anyway. Well you know I am kind of a comsymp. From each according to their abilities to each according to their needs. Aren't we all in this together? Doesn't seem right that the boss should make a million times more than the lowliest employee.
But in practice it doesn't work well. It's not in human nature to share alike and the commies in charge of splitting up the pie always seem to get the bigger slice. And then there is that thing where if you are going after something like a little raise for all the workers it doesn't seem right to kill a bunch of people. But if you are creating the worker's paradise and ending all inequality, well it just might be worth it, so the commies tend to be a bit severe.
I believe what Putin is saying is that the Ukes are nazis, and true enough when the Germans entered Ukraine they got a pretty good welcome from the Ukes, eager to be free of the Russkies and more than happy to turn over their Jews. But that was then and this was now.
If the Russkies didn't think they were on our side, neither did we think we were on their side. It was classic the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Patton, and I reckon a lot of our other generals, wanted to keep going east to topple Stalin.
In WW I the commies had just taken power and the first thing they did was drop out of the war to begin establishing the workers paradise. Probably a good thing because the war was not going well for their side.
Well happy weekend Gennulmens.