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Thursday, March 30, 2023

masking then, masking now

 As much contact as you have with the outside world, it probably did not make much difference as far as the course of the pandemic whether you wore a mask or not.  And since you only had to do it when you went down to the store it was not much of a hassle for you to put it on.

Of course you knew that the Gutsy Gretch and the gerrymandered republican legislature were at war so if they were able to vote on the matter they would certainly have voted against masks.  Anyway Michigan now has a democratic legislature so if another pandemic pops up right away you know how they will vote.

I am wondering at the time when the pandemic was raging, did you think it was not such a big deal, or did you think masks had little effect, and that's what pissed you off at Gutsy Gretch?

I am wondering because I am in a reversed situation right now.  I think that the pandemic is nothing more than like the flu right now.  It has mutated over the course of the pandemic to where it is now highly contagious but not all that dangerous.

My Saturday morning watercolor course cancelled when the pandemic hit and only came back maybe a year ago.  At that time we still had to wear masks to enter the building because the pandemic was still strong, and that was ok with me.  But as the pandemic lessened the rules did too, and we didn't have to enter masked and the signs were put away and anymore nobody wears a mask.

Except for in my watercolor class.  The teacher is a rabid germaphobe and she still insists on masks.  I am kind of used to them from when the pandemic was boss so it is not such a big deal, but the thought that I have to wear one because she says I have too, well of course that pisses me off.  Maybe that's like you and Gutsy Gretch.

I suppose I could simply refuse, tell her to make me, and I don't know, I guess she could call security, but I know that they would not want to be involved and who knows what they would do.  But it would be a huge rupture in this class that I have been taking for thirty years, and while not so crazy about Teach I like the other students who I have known for years and the interaction, exchanging ideas with my fellow watercolorists, is valuable to me.  So I am putting up with it, expecting it to fade away and not wanting to lose the class.

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