The live-frees seemed to be mostly in Trump's camp. He was always showing up without a mask (Remember when he got covid and seemed to be near death at one point?). But I don't think he was responsible for the no mask thing. I think it was something deeper in the divide of America. It was like we get-alongs always acted like we were so smart and we were always telling the live-frees what to do, and they were just fucking sick of it. And I imagine much as I felt smug in my mildly annoying mask walking among the good civilized folk of downtown who were mostly on the train of making it a better world (fewer deaths), the live-frees of the burbs, or worse yet downstate, or worse even than that of the deep south, reveled in showing how they were mad as hell and weren't going to take it anymore.
Were masks effective? Logic would say they were, they blocked droplets of water that could easily be carrying the virus. Statistics seemed to show that red staters died in a higher percentage than blue staters. I imagine the statistics are just a click away, but I am purposely not looking up anything until I finish this series. I am kind of waiting for the comprehensive history book of the pandemic.
Anyway there is a question of how effective were the masks. If you didn't wear a mask in my neighborhood you were probably better off than if you wore a mask in a good ol boy hood. There was also the thing where the purpose of the mask was more to keep you, the wearer, from spreading the virus than it was to protect yourself. Not sure how true this was because it was not mentioned all that often.
Rural was better than urban, and warm was better than cold, again waiting for more complete stats to think this.
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