Had a phone call from the nurse before some recent medical procedure. She wanted to know some covid stuff, and as long as she had me on the line she wanted to know if I knew what year it was and what the day of the week was, and I guess we all know where that is going. Not unlike the former prez I aced it. But I do have trouble with dates, but I think I always have. Anyway it is September 11.
Chicago used be replete with art stores popping up and going out of business like champagne bubbles, which was great for us artists because the going out of business sales were fantastic. Maybe ten years ago Blicks moved into town with these forty percent off discounts which were also fantastic, but then they drove all the other art stores out of business, and shortly afterwards the forty percent discounts disappeared which was not so fantastic. I know people who go to Michaels and you can get some good stuff there, you can also get some crap. I would avoid those deals where you get five packaged brushes at a fantastic price because they are likely not worth shit. Blicks has a deal where if you buy five or more brushes they discount the price and you can get five for like fifteen bucks. Choose an assortment to your liking. I have cans and coffee mugs full of brushes, but mostly I just use a number six liner brush. If you want to slash around like a movie artist, you will need something bigger. Also don't get any paper that is less than 140 pounds. I recommend Canson's which is pretty cheap, and pretty good. Can I inquire if Big Dog is thinking of taking up the art?
Marina City is to the west of your window view. I'll try to get up on the roof and see if I can see The Ravenswood.
At first I was at sea about the woman scorned remark, and then I remembered. That scene actually happened though it was the daughter of the scorned woman who did the dunking, and instead of two hookers it was some high powered real estate agent. Probably more humiliating to be dunked by a fourteen year old girl than a scorned woman.
Regardless of how you feel about Queen Gretchen you will be doing yourself and moreso your friends and neighbors a huge favor if you mask up and get the vaccine. I am speaking not so much for Beagles who is vaxxed and lives in a remote freehold, but Michiganders in general. Would be nice if your state legislature would also urge people to act responsibly instead of spending so much time and money disputing the election.
I am thinking back on moving. Through most of my youth I have no memories and expect that it consisted of hauling a duffel bag through the leafy streets of Champaign Urbana. In 1984 I moved my stuff to Texas by sending maybe 15 boxes to myself by Fedex. I moved to my parents' attic two and a half years later the same way. Moving into Marina City required a rented pickup truck and me and my brother-in-law and my nephew. Moving out of here I cannot imagine. I guess my strategy is to be dead.
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