Lot going on in the kennels of the Old Dog and didn't make it to the internet yesterday. I was ailing and out for the count: sore throat, headache, body aches, coughing, sneezing, general weakness, and slowly rising temperature. Everything but the Boogie-Woogie Flu, it seems. And this morning? Fine and dandy with a temperature of 98.3F, a little soreness in the back of the throat like when you eat a lot of crunchy food, but otherwise nothing that I've noticed. No medications other than aspirin, lemonade (the real stuff!), gargling with salt water, and plenty of rest. Go figure.
As mentioned previously, here's a pic of the castor bean plants I tried to get going. The pink light is from the grow-bulbs; I don't have any pix with natural light, sorry.
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