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Monday, July 26, 2021

first sunflower of the year

 First sunflower of the season. It struck my eye and I thought I would begin my Monday with it.

Actually feeling a little grim this morning after getting my daily Illinois covid reading.  My Saturday watercolor class is beginning July 11th, and I am planning on having an opening for my new show October 2nd, and my my improv class was supposed to begin in the fall, and I have established a pumpkin connection for my Punkin Palooza in the tower this Halloween, and now it is looking more and more like none of that will be happening and we will all be in masks in maybe a month.

Of course that means little to those of us who have been vaxxed.  It is very unlikely that we will be getting it and if we do that the case will be mild.  But the thing is all the signs say that you should wear a mask, unless you have been vaxxed.  But clearly people who have not been vaxxed and are cheating so it continues to spread.

 Back in the day all those wide-open states claimed we had to risk the death count in order to keep the economy humming.  Well now we have the perfect thing, the vaccine, as near as your corner drugstore, and not only will it save your life but it will wipe this thing out and the economy will be humming again, but few of those Trumpist govs will come out and urge more vaxxes, and the Trump inner core, who have almost all been vaxxed themselves, refuse to utter a word.  How many lives could be saved if Trump would break from his ranting at one of his monster truck rallies to urge people to get vaxxed?  Will never happen though.

Well what do they say in those commercials? Thank you Captain Obvious.

Well that toaster oven.  I have to admit that I did not read the instructions on the knobs because how hard can knobs be?  So I didn't realize that I could just move that timer thing to turn the damn thing off instead of pulling the plug.  I will be reading the instructions before I make toast later today, and hopefully I will tame the savage beast.  Still it seems like a lot of, oh danger, just to make toast.

I love swabbing that little slice of Italian bread in the olive oil before eating my pizza, makes me feel so continental.  But standing around a table and pouring it onto my pizza to such an extent that it runs off the table?  I don't think so.

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