I never had a blueprint for Catfish. I sat down to write it after I had had a few, and I generally didn't read the previous chapters after starting on a new one, nor did I think much ahead, so that each chapter is a little standalone, and maybe it reads best that way.
As I've been posting it I have been editing it, and when I came to the last line Catfish said "It's me." It seemed a little flat. "Here I am," is a little stronger and it gives the impression that he has been expected. Like I said if I ever edit it again I will put something in those scenes where he walks by Claudette's apartment or restaurant where he thinks about coming back or thinks about her thinking about him coming back.
One thing that surprised me when I wrote them were the violent scenes where Big Red and then Itch gets punched out. They came out a little more vivid than I would have thought. And that scene where Itch is being menaced by Ron in the bar, trying to defend his dignity, but not wanting to get punched out either, I was pretty tense writing it.
The cashless society, some people think it is a good thing and a leap forward to society, maybe like those folks who think as we continue to evolve we will all become beings of pure energy and won't that be great, and I am thinking how can a lightning beam eat an Italian beef sandwich and I do not like it at all.
First there was food which you could eat, and then there was gold which you can't eat, but it was hard, and you could judge how rich you were by how much it weighed, and then there was paper which was, well, just paper, but you could add up the numbers on the bills, and now there is this cashless shit, where your cash is just on and off bytes, pure energy actually, and these numbers just appear and you have to take somebody or something's word for it. I don't like it.
Went to a trendy breakfast place with a buddy and when I pulled out my wallet at the cash register (which isn't really a cash register of course), I was told to keep my filthy bills to myself, and my card, there was no satisfying slot to slide it into, I had to hover it over this ethereal light. I had to ask them when I was done. My buddy got so confused he left his card behind (which will be no problem when we have chips in our fingers), and when the friendly, but condescending bright young lad returned it, he had that oh those boomers rueful look on his face.
I continue to use the same covid site I have been using and though we were doing quite well until the last couple weeks when I see where it has plateaued again, at a low level to be sure, but that does not mean that it cannot begin that slow creep up again. And even if it continues at a low level it is evolving and it could develop a variant that is immune to the current vaccines and we could well be in the same soup again this winter.
Those anti vaxxers, sometimes I think fine, let then die then, the evidence is right in front of their eyes and they look away, Amongst us vaxxers walking around unmasked are the unvaxxers also unmasked and the only way to account for that is to ask for everybody to be masked again, so not only are they endangering our lives they may well force us back into masks.
Those jugs are cat litter jugs that I use to stockpile water. I will take some more photos later today. and I will be looking for some more stories also so that they may be there for you Friday, but I am leaving that afternoon for my land of milk and honey and won't be back until Monday afternoon so I may miss a couple posts early next week.
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