Christmas now in the rearview mirror. I assume Beagles hauled butt over the river and through the woods to Petosky I think it is. Seems to be the big burg in the area. Every now and then I read some item which mentions Petosky, but Sheboygan, not as yet. And Old Dog, I like to think of him riding some north side bus with a just baked, still warm, pecan pie sitting primly in his lap. I'd never heard of pecan pie until I moved to Austin and lived a couple blocks away from a chain called Bill's barbecue. Not much of a dessert man myself, but it was part of a full meal deal so I slipped it onto my plate and I have not looked back since. For me it was a zoom Christmas. I have become a zoomer, improv, water color class, holidays.
The zoom experience I have come to characterize as nowhere near as good as the real thing, but a whole lot better than nothing. The real thing, which means real life I guess. Crowded restaurants, crowded bars, movie theaters, zumba classes, stuff that we thought nothing at all about just nine months ago.
Ramping up for a Dick Clark rocking new years eve in just a few days. Oh wait he's dead, well whoever. Dating back to the many years that I felt it obligatory to get crazy drunk on New Years like all the cool people around me, I have always felt that I should do something on New Years. Lately it has been a sandwich and two or three cold ones, stop off in a couple bars for a quick one, kind of kill time sipping at home and then just before midnight stepping out on the balcony for a really good fireworks show. Nothing like that this year.
I guess if you are a football fan New Years day is a big deal, but I am not. It is a day when you step outside your house reeking of figgy pudding, Auld Lang Syne ringing in your ears, and put your foot down into the first frosty day of January. It stretches out as far as your eye can see white, featureless, and flat. After maybe three weeks that pass like molasses. you may be able to glimpse just a bit of February, a ground hog peering out of his hole, past that the lacy fragile edifice of Valentine's day.
But the days will be getting longer, the vaccines will be shooting into arms, Trump will still be carrying on from the dustbin, but hopefully nobody will be paying much attention to that.
Like those nature shows that begin in the carefree summer, and phase into the seed gathering fall, and the long hard winter and then there is that shot of the icicles melting, spring will be arriving.
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