When you click on New Post before you can make a new post you get to a screen that offers the option of Comments and clicking on that you are shown all the comments that have been made on the blog. I click on it every time to see if there is anything new, but there is nothing except those November comments by Free Tim. I wonder whatever became of him. Tim, if you are still out there, we would be glad to hear from you.
But for now there are just the three of us old soldiers. I am almost afraid to enter the electronics section of Target lest one of those swaggering young whippersnappers says "Hey Old Timer what are you doing here? Did you get lost on your way to the buggy whip section?" and the room would erupt with laughter.
Well buggy whip is what I would have said back in the day when I was a swaggering young whippersnapper. Anymore I guess they would ask, "Hey Old Timer, are you looking for the tv tube tester?"
Remember tv repairmen? How they would turn your tv around and remove the back and fiddle with crap that you were warned never to do because you would immediately be electrocuted, even if the tv was not even plugged in. Remember color tv's, and those little knobs you could twist to get it just so? Remember knobs that listed all the channels VHF and UHF, and how they would click at each little twist, and one of them, the UHF I think, had numbers that went almost to a 100, and you would think like what kind of world would have that many channels? And what a paradise it would be if you had like thirty or forty channels, why surely there would be something worth seeing every hour of every day.
Sorry I misspelled Cheboygan. I knew better, but sometimes my typing fingers slip. I know people who go up to Sheboygan for, well I don't know, whatever people find charming about woods and stuff in the middle of winter.
Sorry to hear about those kidney stones Old Dog I've never had them myself, but I have seen victims writhe in pain, I hope that this too will pass.
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