Aside from his disparaging comments about my "taking over" theory, Uncle Ken's last post was helpful to my understanding of the issue. Also, the real life conversation I had with my daughter yesterday shed some additional light on the subject. It seems all Blacks are not the same any more than all Whites are the same. (Truth be known, my parents taught me the same thing many years ago, but I seem to have forgotten it in my old age, for which I blame television.) First you've got your ghetto Blacks, and then you've got your high falutin' Blacks. Of course there are also high falutin' Whites, but I don't know the White equivalent of ghetto Blacks. Neither the high falutin' Blacks nor the high falutin' Whites want to be cops when they grow up, they want to be doctors, lawyers, teachers and preachers. The ghetto Blacks don't want to be cops when they grow up because that would mean selling out to The Man. That leaves only the White equivalent of ghetto Blacks to become cops when they grow up.
Most corona victims do not display symptoms until a couple weeks after they catch the disease, which is why they tell us to "self quarantine" for 14 days after we suspect we have been exposed. If someone catches the virus at a biker rally, a Trump rally, a protest rally, or a counter protest rally, it would be premature to declare him virus free the next day.
Most of the cost of firewood and other forest products goes to pay for shipping and handling. The longer the shipping and the more people handling it, the more a retail customer will have to pay for it. There is also the sales volume factor. A supermarket that sells a little firewood on the side has to charge more for it than a professional logger who delivers it to your yard with a ten ton dump truck. Certain high falutin' grillers insist that genuine mesquite wood from the Sonora Desert makes the food taste better than regular ordinary firewood, but there aren't enough of them to justify hauling it to Chicago by the semi load. Other high falutin' homeowners will gladly pay top dollar for a couple arm loads of pretty birch logs to stack beside their gas fireplaces just for decorative effect. I am reminded of the two Polish gentlemen from Chicago who rented a truck, drove it to the UP of Michigan, filled it with Christmas trees that they bought for a dollar a piece, and then sold them back in Chicago for a dollar a piece. Said the one Polish gentleman to the other, "You know we didn't make any money on this trip", to which the other replied, "Yeah I know, I think we need a bigger truck."
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