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Monday, September 7, 2020

Onward and Upward

 Okay, let's drop the lockdown thing for now because we don't seem to be getting anywhere with it.  There is a new development in the works that I have been reluctant to mention because I'm not sure if it's on the level.  If it is, I will have more to say about it if and when it comes to fruition.  

I believe I brought this up before, but it seems to have gotten lost in the shuffle:  Since non-Hispanic White people are a minority of the population in many cities, some of which even have Black mayors, why are a majority of the police in those cities still White?  If racism is at work here, it seem like it should be the other way around.  Detroit and Chicago lost their White majorities some 50 years ago.  All of the cops working back then should be retired or dead by now and, as they dropped out, should have been replaced by Blacks or Hispanics.  The union certainly wouldn't object to that, since these guys would be the union.  Also, don't you have to live within the city limits to work for the city?  

I said something the other day about those counter protestors "fighting back".  I guess I envisioned those guys defending their own neighborhoods, but it appears that's not the case.  I knew that kid who shot those people in Kenosha was from out of state, albeit only 15 miles out of state but, since then, I have heard both protestors and counter protestors alike referred to as "outside agitators".  I don't believe I've heard that phrase bandied about since the 60s.  It's like deja vu all over again.  

Here's something I just came across, it's along the lines of what we previously discussed about autonomous zones:

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