I have always been partial to Their Satanic Majesties even though you don't get that, what do you call them, cheap hologram substitutes? on the cd case like you did with the record album. It was the Stones' response to Sergeant Pepper, which was a bit oh, hippie dippie. The Stones were always darker and meatier and I always liked them better.
Perhaps it's too early to write off the machine in Chicago. That shadowy conglomeration of alderman and businessmen and just plain piles of money is going to want to throw their influence somewhere and even if you are a simon pure reformer it doesn't mean a thing if you don't win and those piles of cash can be pretty attractive. Even though my candidate won, and her opponent was likely my second choice I wonder how long it will be before I will be bitching about her. When was the last time the people of Chicago had a mayor that most people liked?
I saw a posting on fb that I rather liked: Now Trump can claim to be a war hero like McCain because he too has been shot down in Vietnam. I worry a bit that a broken-hearted Trump may take a woman scorned's vengeance on the realm of the Dear Leader.
I think Cohen has more than just words to back up what he says. He alluded to some boxes of stuff in some warehouse. The reps jumped on this like they were hearing about it for the first time and demanded that it be seized right away. When Cohen said it was the stuff that the FBI had taken in the raid and subsequently returned to him that did not cool their choler, but then nothing does. It's fashionable now for reps to always act outraged about whatever because they know Donny is watching and surely this brings a smile to his face.
I am not as parsimonious with toilet paper as Old Dog, but I was surprised to hear Beagles say that three rolls a week sounded about right to him, but then I remembered that he is the only member of the Institute who enjoys wedded bliss. When I have a distaff houseguest I always make sure to set out a fresh roll on the spinner and another in a convenient easily spotted place, and I have to say that after they leave I am always amazed at how much they have gone through. I don't ask and they don't tell which is all just as well.
But buying one roll at a time seems, well odd. The savings are considerable when one buys the jumbo pack. I stand in front of the aisle and note the savings if I buy six, but wait, I save even more if I buy a dozen, and eventually I walk out with a pack that I can barely get my arms around.
I imagine the look of surprise on the sales girl when Old Dog places that lonely single roll upon the counter. Perhaps she asks, "Just one sir?" And tucking his purchase into his tote bag Old Dog, with that savoir faire for which he is widely known, replies, "Oh I'll be back for another at the end of the month."
And the sales girl, having watched one of those cable history shows the night previous, shakes her head and mutters, "I can't believe those guys wreaked such hazard on the civilized world only a thousand years ago."
Yeah I know Old Dog's people weren't technically Vikings, but they all look alike to me. I imagine when they pillaged the monasteries they only took a few weeks' worth of whatever served the purposes of toilet paper because they wanted to fill the rest of the bag with gold and stuff.
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