I don't want to prolong the discussion of toilet paper any longer than necessary but there are a few odd facts that came to my attention and may be of general interest. 75% of the planet's population don't use any kind of toilet paper at all; bidets or bowls of water are very popular but the details of the procedure are unknown to me. In ancient Rome the patrons of the communal toilets shared a "sponge on a stick" to clean themselves, rinsing the sponge in a bucket of water. Other cultures used smooth stones but at that point I decided I learned all I wanted to learn about the bathroom habits of my fellow human beings; I'm sticking with the single-ply.
China is continuing to implement facial and voice recognition in the unlikeliest of places. They are having many problems with tracking contagious disease in their pork industry so it's computers and AI to the rescue. It's a good solution if it works and could help with understanding the processes of disease propagation in human beings, one of those weird unintended consequences that pops up from time to time.
I've lost track of the number of investigations that are going on right now; anybody know for sure? I thought Cohen was done spilling his guts but no, he's got more to say this week in front of some of the other politicos, maybe in closed sessions. And as he keeps mentioning other names that means there are more guys to be investigated and questioned; his act could go on for quite a while longer, perhaps all summer long.
And the less said about Trump's recent two hour speech, the better. I only saw some selected bits, out of context, but he sounded and looked like a loon. He hugs the American flag like it's a prop for his branding efforts, and perhaps it is.
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