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Monday, June 25, 2018

Too Little, Too Late

If Uncle Ken had read the entire article, he would have learned that applicants for asylum are required by law to have a hearing before an immigration judge to determine if they are eligible. The problem is that there are so many applicants that it might take months, or even years, before a hearing can be scheduled.  If the applicant is released pending his hearing, there is a good chance that he will disappear into the Mexican-American community and never show up for his hearing.  This is what they think happened to most of those "lost children" that were recently in the news.  There are numerous detention facilities around the country, but they are all full to capacity, and people are being stored at military bases, county jails, and privatized facilities of questionable quality.  Okay, some of that didn't come from Wiki, it came from those articles I read on my news app, which seem to be consistent with what I found on Wiki.  The news app draws from a number of sources, the only two I can remember are CNN and the Washington Post.  If I find any more like that, I will be sure to post a link.

Gang rule in Mexico has been featured in a number of National Geographic articles over the years.  There still is a "legitimate" Mexican government, but most of the officials and local police have been compromised by bribery and fear of retaliation, so the gangs are practically running the country.

This immigration thing has been out of control for a long time, and now Trump and his people are clumsily trying to close the barn door after the horse has gotten out.  One of the reasons Trump got elected in the first place was that he promised to send all the illegals back where they came from on his first day in office.  I don't know whether or not he was even aware of the magnitude of the problem at the time, but I suspect he is more aware of it by now.

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