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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

So Many APPs, So Little Time

Windows 10 comes with all kinds of APPs, news, sports, weather, financial, games, and some others that I don't know what they do.  You access them by clicking on your "start" menu.  The news APP draws from numerous sources, to wit:  Associated Press, New York Times, Bloomberg, Washington Post, CBS News, Huffington Post, Money, CNN, Daily Caller, Daily Beast, Boston Globe, Fox News.  Those are the ones featured tonight, there may be others.  Like I said, if I refer to any of them in the future, I will be sure to post the link...….Here's one hot off the press:

Uncle Ken says that Central American countries are run by drug gangs, but not Mexico.  I thought that Mexico was a Central American Country.  Technically, everything north of the Panama Canal is North America, but everything between the Canal and the Rio Grand is commonly referred to as Central America.  At least it used to be.  Did they change that too?

I understand that the asylum law is a real law, and of course it should be enforced.  As I said, the problem is that the current batch of asylum seekers has overwhelmed the system by sheer force of numbers.  I used to think that they did that on purpose, but now I'm not so sure.  It may be that conditions in Mexico and other Central American countries have gotten so bad that people are desperately trying to get away from them by any and all means possible.

As I said, I don't know what the answer is, but here's a thought:  How about we give open borders a try again?  According to Wiki, we had an open border with Mexico until 1924, and then our government decided to try to regulate it, with limited success.  If the border were to be opened again, all the resources currently being spent trying to regulate the border could be redirected against drug gangs, foreign and domestic.  Another thing that might help pull the fangs of the gangs would be to legalize pot.  We get to vote on that in Michigan this fall, and I am inclined to vote "yes".  Before you agree with me, I feel it's only fair to warn you that both open borders and legalization of pot are agendas of the Libertarian Party, or at least they used to be.  I don't know for a fact that they still are, but I would be surprised if they weren't since those guys don't change their minds very often.

Old Dog's link about Trump's Trade War with Red China was helpful. I think I understand the issue a little better now, although I still don't know why he's pissed at Canada, the EU, and whatever other countries are on his shit list this week.  As far as I'm concerned, we should never have started trading with Red China in the first place.  Red China is like Face Book, everybody complains about it, but they still go there.  Just say no!

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