"MS-13 appears to use Texas as a stopping point for travel from Los Angeles to the East Coast and for the trafficking of drugs, humans, and weapons between Mexico and the United States.[17] "
If you want to change the terms that Supreme Court justices serve, you will need to pass a constitutional amendment. Lots of luck with that one.
I don't know if the GOP is likely to split up anytime soon. Party splits like that are rare, but not unheard of, in US history. If they do split up, I doubt it will be because some Democrat told them to. If you want to influence the Republican Party, you would have to join them and get yourself appointed as a convention delegate. As for writing down their principles, I think that happens at a meeting of their platform committee, which meets sometime before the big national convention that they hold every four years. The national convention usually rubber stamps the platform committee's recommendation, but it doesn't matter because nobody pays attention to the platform after the election anyway. Other than that, the only party that I know of that has a set of written principles and sticks by it is the Libertarian Party. At least they used to the last I heard, but I have been out of that loop for awhile.
Since NATO was founded to resist Russian Communism, I thought it should have been disbanded after Russia gave up Communism. Looking back on it, maybe it's a good thing they didn't because, as we have said before, Russia is still Russia. There was another one called "SEATO", South East Asia Treaty Organization, that was supposed to protect us from the Red Chinese, but I haven't heard anything about them in a long time. Maybe Nixon shut them down after he threw South Vietnam and Taiwan under the bus.