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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

sedentary agriculture, sliced bread or just bread?

Same critter huh, ground hog and woodchuck?  It leaves unanswered what is chucking wood and is this the sort of activity the woodchuck indulges in .  Well not exactly since the tongue twister thing with that if avers that the woodchuck does not chuck wood.  Well of course not since it is really a ground hog and what it does pretty much all day is hog ground so there is little time in its busy day for the chucking of wood.

Did you ever do this one?  Hold your tongue and say "I was born on a pirate ship."  The resulting mumble will sound to your friends who put you up to it, and who are giggling and nudging each other with their elbows, like "I was born on a pile of shit."  This trope had a surge of popularity at Tonti Elementary School in the fifties, but I am not sure how far it penetrated the outside world.  Anyway the next time you are at a cocktail party that is sagging you could bring this up and become the life of the party and leave with the hottest babe there.  Pretty sure that's what would happen.

I'm sure that whoever wrote down the Cain and Abel story had no intention of making any social commentary.  I'm pretty sure at that point in our development sedentary agriculture was looked upon as as great a development as sliced bread, which hadn't happened yet but surely visionaries were anticipating it.  I think it took a few thousand years, likely with the arrival of the industrial revolution with all its smoke and child labor, for people to begin to think that maybe this whole civilization thing was a wrong turn.

I mean once we were warriors.  Myself, as a peacenik I am no fan of warriors, especially the way the word is thrown around so casually lately, a warrior for quiet prayer, a warrior for a tax on soda pop, a warrior for peace.  But then it's hardly expected as I am the pale product of civilization that arose from sedentary agriculture.  But one of the dawgs lives in a swamp and the other has a motorcycle and I thought they would have something to say about our transition from the sport and egality of the hunter to the drudgery and authoritarianism of the ground grubber.

But no, they are more interested in the popup ads on their digital devices and the shape of their Ritz crackers.  I guess this is what sedentary agriculture has done to us all, a faint and fleeting feeling of a summer morn when the sun has broken through the clouds revealing a woodchuck hogging the ground and for a fleeting second the thought of sharpening that stick and impaling the beast and roasting him over a wild and free flame crosses our minds before we make the turn to the McDonalds and our morning egg McMuffin.

And speaking of those oval Ritz's, it was hardly an objective critical observation on the part of Old Dog, it was a clear lament for days past, maybe like when the Greeks invented that Ptolemaic system with the concentric perfect spheres which gave way to the sun in the middle and then that awful Kepler who made the perfect circles into ellipses which is just a fancy word for ovals.  Sure the spreading of sardines is easier, but at what cost?

My mistake on Cain and Abel.  It is just hard to imagine a vegan as a murderer, but perhaps that has changed in these days of super kale.

I watched a lot of those hearings though my attention wavered because they kept saying the same things over and over, the dems as Old Dog reports trying to tar the reps with the tsarist brush and the reps outraged at the grievous evil that befell Flynn that great American.  As the night wore on and panel after panel reviewed the events of the afternoon I have to say the CNNers became quite giggly and punch drunk and the last I saw they were all making fun of Sean Spicer, even the Trump guy.

Yar it's embarrassing enough us Americans having to put up with Dump, but it's even worse when some other world leader, some adult, drops by and we see the two side by side and compare.

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