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Monday, November 30, 2015

hornswoggled again

As I understand it, the commies would not issue a card to just anybody who came down the pike, you had to earn it by, well I don't know, doing commie things.  They didn't want to be infiltrated.

I didn't know that the American Independent Party knew how to spell well enough to issue cards, and it seems to me that it would be against their principles for the libertarians to issue cards. 

For a little while in the early 80s I was a ward committeman, but I never took an oath or paid any dues and they never issued me a card.  The other day I googled 'join the democratic party,' and all I got was pleas for money.  For awhile there Barak used to email me about every week asking for money.  I voted for him twice, not counting the primaries, and you know I always take his side in arguments, but those emails got a little annoying.  

I think you may be more of a Republican than I am a democrat.  I twice voted for Republican governors.  When was the last time you voted for a democrat?

So is it okay to give the middle east to the Russkies because the people there are not as decent as the Ukrainians?

I think the way it worked is that the oil companies originally signed contracts with the sheiks which were very favorable to the oil companies.  When the time came to negotiate the next contract the sheiks wanted better terms, and in the case of Saudi Arabia which I just looked up, they eventually bought out the contract and now own their oil.  I imagine there was a component of force in that, inasmuch as the oil wells were on Saudi land, and all kinds of (ahem) unfortunate accidents could happen to the pipeline carrying the oil out.

I was talking about the movie Network in the last post and what you said about 'our' corporations reminded me of a scene in it.   Howard Beale, the anchorman who came up with the phrase, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not taking it anymore," becomes wildly popular, and at some point he is led into a boardroom of the movers and shakers who tell him something like in the halls of power there is no State of Illinois, there is no United States, there are just the multinational corporations.  There is no way our government can tell them what to do.

I think you are wrong about a guy being officially declared the frontrunner going on to victory.  Trump, and to a lesser degree Carson, has been the front runner, but most people still expect them to stumble.  How about the 2012 primary where each of the five crazies were front runners for a time, the wily Newt twice, and then the whole thing was taken by the grey ghost? 

I think we are mirror images in this year's election.  I will vote for Bernie in the primary knowing he doesn't have a snowball's chance and come the general election I will vote for the big girl.  I assume you will be voting for Son 'O Ron in the primary, in the regular, it's hard to tell, I'm guessing Thirsty Rubio or Nasty Cruz, though it could be the Donald, and he has recently hinted he might run as a third party if he doesn't like the way the other reps treat him, so you could have a choice of voting for him.  

Of course that would mean you were hornswoggled by Trump, but maybe that would be better than being hornswoggled by the regular reps.  I reckon you could write your own name in, and then the only person you would be hornswoggled by was yourself.

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