After all these posts it is still unknown how you, as a child could
distinguish between a good and a bad authority figure, so I guess we
will just never know. I don't suppose it matters, since you have never
treated anybody unfairly, and have never sinned ftpotd.
As an enemy of original sin, I certainly don't cotton to holding the
sons guilty for the sins of the fathers, but doesn't it bother you that
as a young man you had privileges (knocking around Alaska) that a black
man wouldn't have had? Certainly it wasn't you that set up the world so
that it was that way, but didn't you benefit from that? Well we've
been over all that.
That was a little weak on my part about housing the poor. Of course we
have public housing. But not everybody gets into public housing. My
assumption was that the Russkies housed everybody where we only housed
some, but I don't know if that's true or not. I should have done some
research, but I let myself get swept away in a wave of rhetoric.
I don't know about charities. They come and they go and they are liable
to pick and choose and they tend to indoctrinate. As I have often
reminded you, your heroine, when asked who will tend to the poor
sniffed, "Well you can, if you want to."
I suppose you have always been a guy who preferred the preaching to the
practice. You like to have your airy Beaglesonian libertarian
philosophy to hold everybody up to, and if they fail, as everyone except
you does, then you are not invested in them. I suppose unless Trump
sparks you, which I expect he might, you will vote for Rand Paul, who is
really beneath you and has zero chance, but is the closest thing to a
libertarian in the race, and you don't really care about winning, just
keeping your conscience clean. If the world goes to hell it is not your
fault, you did the right thing, you stoic you.
Myself after dallying with Bernie in the primary, I will vote for the
big girl, with all her blemishes, because I am sure the republican
nominee will scare the shit out of me, and I have to worry about what
goes on in this country because I am surrounded by seven million people
and not on the icy edge of the country.
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