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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

walmart sux

The reason they put a lot of stuff on my computer is that the vendors of those products pay them to put it there so that they can make money off of you.  They hope you will buy their stuff and sometimes they will give you stuff because then they can collect information on you and sell that, or something.  Some people are outraged that if they express an interest in buying a lawn mower in their email the very next day ads for lawn mowers will be all over their fb pages.  Myself I don't care about that, there's going to be some kind of ad on fb anyway, it  might as well be for something I want.  What I hate is that it gets in the way, I'm always being asked if I want to sign up for this and that, and it's always implied that if you don't you won't be able to use whatever app you want to.  And that's another thing, we don't have programs anymore, we have apps.  I got on the computer bandwagon because I liked to program.  Programs were manly.  Apps are what valley girls download onto their pink phones.

And vendors pay to get shelf space on supermarkets.  Coca Cola pays Jewel so much every month or year or whatever, for like six feet of space, more if they want more space.  This not only gives Coca Cola some space, but it means less space for Pepsi Cola.  Walmart is notoriously hard on its clients, telling them exactly what they want and how much they want to pay for it, and if the companies don't meet their standards, fine, they can sell their stuff somewhere else.

As a good liberal, of course I hate Walmart.  One reason is the way they pay their employees so little that they are dependent on government assistance, and then the fat cats who got fat on Walmart stock vote down every form of government assistance they can so that they can pay lower taxes.  And the other is the way they suck the life out of the small towns, so that now you have to drive twenty miles to buy a hammer, and the guy who would have sold you that hammer last year, who used to have that nice store where you could hang out and talk hinges or whatever, and whose kids were fed and clothed and schooled by the profits from that store, is now making peanuts working at Walmart, and is on government assistance which is being cut because the new right wing governor who was elected by the fat cats who got fat from paying their employees peanuts bought the election,

The cloud means your data and your software is not on your hard drive.  It is on some server farm far away, and only appears to be on your computer.  What's nice about it is that when your old computer dies you can buy a new one and hook into your data and be up and running just like that.  The bad thing is that it's easier to hijack in the cloud than on your computer.

About this personality and stage presence vs issues, let me say this about it.  They are all liars, so they are going to lie about the issues, and also maybe the guy has the issues you like, but they can never be implemented because most people hate them, or that your candidate is too incompetent to deliver them.  I'm going to substitute character for personality and charisma for stage presence, and of course I hate charisma.  I think character is good because than the guy is more likely to do the reasonable thing, and not get carted off to the hoosegow.  Of course character is a lot like sincerity in Hollywood, if you can fake that, you have it made.

We may have more to say about that, and about Walmart maybe, but I am done for the day.

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