I don't think you paid extra for all those bells and whistles that you will never use. They put all that stuff in there just because they can. In the old days, hard drive space was limited, but now they have more space than they know what to do with, so they fill it up with everything they can think of. It's kind of like the way they stock the shelves in the supermarket. Empty shelf space puts people off, it gives them the subliminal impression that everything has been picked over and they're getting the leftovers, so they try to keep the shelves full to make people think they are living in the land of plenty, or something like that. Our local Wal-Mart has carried this to extremes. They not only have full shelves, but they have pallets of stuff in the center of the aisles. Most of that stuff can also be found someplace on the regular shelves, so I'm not sure why they have to stack it in the aisles. Their marketing research people must have told them to do it, thus justifying their own jobs. Truth is, it makes the aisles hard to navigate. There is only room for one customer to pass on either side of the display so, if somebody stops to look for something or chat with somebody, you have to go around to the other side of the display to get by. Then, like as not, you meet somebody coming the other way and one of you has to back into a side lane so the other can get by. I hate to think of what would happen if there was a fire or something and everybody had to evacuate the building in a hurry. "Oh, the humanity!"
I have an HP with Windows 7 too, but I have one of those old fashioned desk tops. I like it just fine, and have no desire to go to anything smaller. I heard that the companies would like to stop making desktops and go completely mobile, which would suck. Remember when the auto companies wanted to stop making stick shifts? That's one of the reasons they lost so much business to the foreigners. There will always be people who like the old stuff and, if one company doesn't give it to them, another company will. I understand that vinyl records have even been making somewhat of a comeback. What exactly is "the cloud" anyway? My daughter tried to explain it to me, but I'm not sure that I got it.
You know what's wrong with politics? There is too much emphasis placed on personality and stage presence and not enough on the issues. When they do talk about the issues, they tell you what the other guy will do if elected, not what they themselves will do. What are they, a bunch of mind readers?
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