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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

yellow dog libertarians

By capital L I assume you mean the actual official Libertarian party that runs somebody for president every year and gets less than one percent of the vote. The only candidate whose name I can remember is some guy named Barr from the south who was a regular politician before that. I imagine they have been around for awhile, maybe since Goldwater days?

I had a Texas friend who was a right winger, a big fan of Buchanan when he was running in the Republican primary and I was surprised that he thought the Wacko Whackos got the short end of the stick. That whole thing where the right supports these fringe groups like the posse comitatus, and those guys who think they don’t have to pay taxes because of some loophole, or that nut job rancher guy. They seem to love anybody who takes up arms against law enforcement, as long as they are fellow white right wingers.

But I think small L libertarians are where it is at these days, that is the type that I seem to come across more often than I would suspect these days. They are like those cafeteria catholics the anti abortion people used to decry, in that they pick and choose among the doctrines of the church, taking what they like and rejecting what they don’t. But then I wonder why do they choose the term libertarians since there are also issues in the democratic and republican and probably even the communist party that they like and dislike. Small L libertarian is one way to make that designation, but a little awkward because most people are unaware of the official Libertarian party. I like yellow dog libertarian.

But the confusing part of yellow dog libertarians is some choose this doctrine and reject that doctrine and some do vice versa, so if a guy introduces himself as a small L, yellow dog, libertarian, that alone doesn’t tell you what he believes.

I remember the John Birch Society. It seems like it was big in Eisenhower’s day, and was thought of as being subversive, like the communist party. Which was maybe ironic because their main claim to fame of the Birchers was calling everybody else a communist. I think they were effectively nobodies by the time of Goldwater. By the way you don’t mention Goldwater. You know he was the guy who turned me from Republican to Democrat, although I have to admit becoming a hippie would have turned me that way anyway, even if he hadn’t been around.

The American Independent party, I have a hard time believing was anything other than a racist organization holding up states rights as a fig leaf.

The tea party is like the small L libertarians in that it includes a lot of people with varying views. It is a big tent for the right. They have this unity in the face of the enemy, which is basically anybody that isn’t with them, but if they ever got to ruling and passing legislation their differences would tear them apart.

Well I am just running down right wing organizations aren’t I? A tragic thing in modern politics, well actually politics since Adam if you think about it, it’s always easier to run down the other side than it is to build up your side.

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