Yar, I agree those names for musical genres change from time to time and are not tight like those in science and law. If you choose to you can sing a rock song like it is a country song and vice versa which I have never understood.
The difference between the extremist factions of the dems and reps is the dem's shoot their mouths off a lot, but when it comes down to voting they vote with the party. Well except for Coal Joe, an extremist on the right of the party, who frankly I don't mind seeing him go. You might say he was an early user of rep right method, if your party lead is narrow any old oddball can become a big deal. It all went to his head and now he thinks he can run for prez. Fucking asshole.
Where was I, oh yes, the extreme factions of the party. Dems shoot their mouths off, but toe the line. Reps shoot their mouths off and take over the party.
I think as long as Trump is alive the republican party we cannot know what is next.
Libertarians, you hardly ever hear that word anymore. It was big with the tea party, but none of the guys who called himself that thought the same thing as the next guy. I thought it was just a word that a guy who didn't want to pay his taxes used to make himself sound distinguished. There was an official Libertarian Party (The Tarians) which appeared every four years to run some kooky unknown who would get one or two percentage points in the election.
I think if there is post Trump republican party they should call themselves Rhinos, you know like gay people turned queer into a word of pride. The elephant is majestic, but kind of slow and ponderous (though in person I hear they can do quite the charge), and the donkey, even I, a rampant one, have to say it lacks charisma. But a rhino, now there is a mascot to be proud of.
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