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Wednesday, October 4, 2023

One Error

Not bad for a heathen Democrat.  I only found one error in Uncles Ken's last post.  I can't find anything else in the post to argue about.

"This was tough for a church that based its own existence on revelation, so they made a ruling that Joseph Smith had the last valid revelation and henceforth any new revelations would be false."     

The Mormons still have prophets, but only one at a time.  The current President of the Church is known as "The Prophet", among other things.

In the Latter Day Saint movement, the President of the Church is generally considered to be the highest office of the church. It was the office held by Joseph Smith, founder of the movement, and the office assumed by many of Smith's claimed successors, such as Brigham YoungJoseph Smith IIISidney Rigdon, and James Strang. Several other titles have been associated with this office, including First Elder of the church,[1] Presiding High Priest,[2] President of the High Priesthood,[2] Trustee-in-Trust for the church,[3] Prophet,[4] Seer,[4] Revelator,[4] and Translator.[4] Joseph Smith was known by all of these titles in his lifetime (although not necessarily with consistency).

President of the Church - Wikipedia

About that suit, I think it was Thoreau who said:  "Beware of any enterprise that requires buying new clothes."

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