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Friday, August 25, 2023

Space Talk

 Thanks to Uncle Ken for the info about the Moon.  It just goes to show that you're never too old to learn something. 

Here's another perspective on that UFO thing we talked about recently.  I have said in the past that it's more likely that the space aliens are covering up the government than that the government is covering up the space aliens.  Governments thrive on panic but, if the space aliens are here to study us under natural conditions, they might want to prevent the panic that would surely ensue if people knew everything that the government was up to.  This guy doesn't use the exact same words because that would be plagiarism, but he's saying pretty much the same thing.                                                 

"The usual explanation of alleged alien coverups is that the government wants to avoid “mass panic,” but this never made sense. The military-industrial complex loves mass panic. It’s good for its budgets. If it’s covering something up, it has far less high-minded reasons."

UFO Crashes Almost Certainly Aren’t Real. But the Government Itself Is Responsible for Public Distrust. (

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