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Sunday, September 11, 2022

Return of the Red Mango

Quite a heavy rainfall hit the neighborhood this morning, the most intense I've seen in many years.  When you can hear manhole covers bouncing because of the intense air pressure in the sewer lines you know there is a lot of water running through those pipes.  At one time there was about 4 inches of standing water in the middle of the street outside my windows; funny watching unsuspecting drivers hit those patches of deep water....whoosh!  I bet a lot of viaducts were flooded this morning, maybe even a few basements.


Nice link to Michigan's legislative hooplah, Mr. Beagles.  I thought the explanation of the legal system and how laws were enforced made a lot of sense.  It's impossible to enforce all the laws all of the time, you have to do the best you can to maintain a sense of order and stability.  Instead of misdemeanors and felonies I thing there should be another category, like you are guilty of being a mope or asshole, and it would be on your "permanent record."  Or you would be known as not being trustworthy, or something like that.

And that link showed me a new word for me, "contumeliously."  I can't wait to work it into a conversation someday.  The phrase "age of discretion" needs more usage too, I think.


As I was scoping out my weather sites I noticed that there was a full moon Friday night, and the moonrise was only about ten minutes after sunset.  I've never actually sat and waited for a moon rise but it's never too late to try something new, amirite?

Here's a last peek of the sunset...


...and here's the moonrise.  I thought I had the camera pointed in the wrong direction because it didn't appear when it should have.  Turns out it was hiding behind one of the high rises and taking its own sweet time to say hello.



A couple of months ago I posted about the mango that I started from seed, or more properly, pit.  This is the same guy yesterday; the longest leaf is 10 inches long.

The big droopy leaves remind me of the ears of a hound.  Basset, Blood, Plott, Blue Tick, take your pick.  I believe that the venerable Beagle is also of the hound persuasion, and if that's the case, I'm going to declare the Mango to be the official houseplant of the Beaglesonian Institute.  Any objections?

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