I've been in the same boat as Mr. Beagles regarding events in the news and I've got a solution that works for me. I just don't watch or follow it much any more. The last couple of weeks I've been busy here at the Geezer Chateau slowly getting things in order, adding a little color to the walls, and fooling around with new experiments and new ways to waste time. The only paper I've been reading is the Trib, the Cheboygan Tribune, of course. The online version is fine and slows me down some as I read about normal folks for a change. Sure, I don't know any of those people any more than I know anybody else in the news but, as I said, they seem normal enough for me and I like to see what they're doing. So, the guy that sold the paper mill has plans for some riverfront development; sounds good to me and another sign of the economic resurgence of the area. Any thoughts, Mr. Beagles? Are projects like that a done deal with behind the scenes shenanigans like we see down here in the Big Onion, or is it mostly on the up and up?
No changes here except a conscious decision to focus on the stuff that I like, that I'm curious about, or stuff that is just plain silly and amuses me. The routine crap gets done when it gets done but it hasn't backed up on me yet. I don't think I've ever really enjoyed peace and quiet like I have recently. No radio, hardly any TV, and minimal computer time; the ideas are flowing fast and furious and now I have the good sense to write stuff down and keep track of everything. The magnetic banana is showing some promise. And I'm still finding cool stuff as I continue to refine the organizing, like the high-density 2-part foam that's used in boat building and sound proofing. Very cool stuff, has a lot of potential. It's good to have a nice room to play in.
Fun in the kitchen continues as I develop my one-egg omelette, an experiment that is turning out much better than I expected. If you like hardtack (Ry-Krisp) do I have a meal for you!
The 14th Dalai Lama wrote "I believe the very purpose of life is to be happy." I think he nailed it.
And every day we're about 26,000 miles further away from the sun but I don't think these two ideas are related. It seems like I've hardly moved.
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