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Thursday, May 13, 2021


 I don't see much hope in those out-of-office guys forming a new party for reasons that I have explained in my earlier post.  I am all for it, and I think it would be good for conservatives in the long run, because frightening as the Trumpists are they are not the majority, and they will never broaden their appeal so they are a dead end.  Speaking of which the best solution for all of this would be the revenge of the quarter pounder, but as Billy Joel sings, only the good die young.

I have found politics to be very entertaining over the years.  Of course I have my own partisan view, but outside of that I just like the play, the deals, the coalitions, the creative lying.  Trump of course is the king of the liars, but he is not a creative one.  In the past you had to have a grain of truth in what you said, and that made for some pretty creative lying, but Trump has done away with the grain of truth thing.

 Is there a more pure expression of human folly than politics?

True enough, but the folly is not just the politicians, it is the voters who put them in.  Contrary to what the pols claim when they are running for the elections, the voters are neither wise nor very virtuous and will vote for whoever they think will give them the edge rather than for the greater good of all.  I think Willie Stark in All the King's men had it about right when he said:

Man is conceived in sin and born in corruption and he passeth from the stink of the didie to the stench of the shroud.

Sorry to hear about Groot.  My thoughts and prayers are with him.

Although Sheboygan is about two hundred miles north of Chicago, the weather is not so different.  Those winds have the whole stretch of long Lake Michigan to gather the chill and slam it right at us.

My sunflowers are doing nicely, but it looks prudent to not make that trip to the garden store until next week, or maybe the week after that.

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