I'm with Mr. Beagles on this one; posting when uninspired is just adding to the noise, in my opinion.
Sometimes I don't know if Uncle Ken is trolling or just plain ignorant. One example is the use of mustard on a hot dog; a real Chicagoan would not make such a statement. Another example is the continued use of name Sheboygan. Should an avowed Objective Realist be more detail oriented? I won't even get into the distinction between horror movies and monster movies.
Mr. Beagles, I need a little advice on a new TV. My audio/video system has failed and for the last few weeks I've had no TV and no audio. I can go online but there is no sound, so all of my YouTube and movie streaming is gone. No TV means no broadcast joy with Perry Mason or Monk. Not as big a hardship as I had anticipated but while I try to figure out this dilemma I've been entertaining the notion of a new TV, perhaps a modest little forty incher. All the new TVs I've seen are "smart" and I'm not sure what exactly that entails. Can I hook up a plain old antenna or is an internet connection required? I figure you would know.
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