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Monday, February 1, 2021

Monday morning conspiracies

 Like Uncle Ken said, the numbers generally declined while the lockdowns were in force, and shot back up again after they were lifted.

See that is all I was saying.  The lockdowns are effective in cutting down on covid deaths (PERIOD).  If you want to make a case that they are not a good idea because they damage the economy you can well make that case, but if you begin it with saying that the lockdowns don't have any effect it's like saying two plus two equals five.  Your argument is dead in the water.

It appears that Beagles' main argument is not so much about the covid as it is about gutsy Gretchen.  In fact the whole state seems to be a bit nutsy about Gretchen.  The Governor of Michigan is a democrat as are both of its senators, elected under the principle of one man one vote, but the statehouse is republican.  Why is that?  Could it be gerrymandered.  Submit the question to google and you will learn that it certainly is.  Well that is all I have to say about Michigan.

The story about the mechanic was about who do you trust to fix problems, the experts in the field or the loudmouth on the next barstool? Though I am sad that Beagles' chain saw was irreparable, but happy that he learned that it without cost, it has nothing to do with what I was talking about.

While all the cool people were hopping on the Qanon bandwagon Beagles has remained aloof, espousing instead his very own conspiracy theory that Trump is some kind of double agent sent by ahem, somebody.  See just saying somebody is not going to cut it.  It's just too amorphous.  Why not blame the Queen of England or Elvis Presley, who we all know isn't really dead?  Then you can print up some t shirts and make a few bucks.  Or here's one, my personal favorite, maybe it was the moral rot of a party whose only real goal is tax cuts for the rich.  Kind of hard to fit that on a t shirt though.

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