Back in the 70s, when Michiganders were debating the merits of legalized abortion, before a ballot proposal to do so was voted down and the Supreme Court subsequently ruled that we had to allow it anyway, a bunch of us at the paper mill were discussing the issue. I was surprised to discover that all the guys who were in favor of abortion were also opposed to the death penalty. "Let me get this straight," said I, "Are you guys saying that it's wrong to kill a convicted murderer but it's okay to kill an innocent baby?" They replied that they were two different things that had nothing to do with each other and, when asked to elaborate, they declined to do so. The conclusion I came to was that abortion was a liberal agenda and the death penalty was a conservative agenda. If whoever it is who decides these things were to switch that around, the liberals would suddenly be opposed to abortion and in favor of the death penalty, while the conservatives would suddenly be opposed to the death penalty and in favor of abortion. It's not logical, it's just one of those things.
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