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Sunday, July 8, 2018

Web trawling

As the trade wars heat up, there is an interesting proposal from the White House called the Fair and Reciprocal Tariff Act.  Yes, it's the FART Act and it stinks, giving the president an awful lot of power to determine and set tariffs without oversight from other legislative bodies.  I don't think it will pass muster from Congress but at least someone in Washington either has a sense of humor or is really ignorant.  I go with ignorant as it follows precedent.


Another bigly week for Trump as he departs Tuesday for his Excellent European Adventure, starting with Brussels and the NATO conference.  Then it's off to England where I expect some blunders in protocol, possibly insulting the Queen about that Baby Trump Blimp floating near Parliament.  A little golf in Scotland follows to take the edge off his rigorous presidenting and then it's on to Helsinki where he can finally have that sauna with Putin that he's been wanting for so long.  Now they can get down to business, away from the prying eyes and ears of diplomats and other bothersome meddlers.


Although I haven't been following any of the matches, I am astounded by the size of the crowds in the streets watching the World Cup.  I can't imagine crowds like those in the US without riots breaking out although the English went a little nuts and trashed an IKEA after defeating Sweden.  But the rest of the world has it right, they play football with the feet.


One difference between us and those dark web guys is that people pay them to spout off their opinions.

You say it like it's a bad thing, Mr. Beagles.  As far as I know none of them are shills for corporate or political interests.  They write books, give lectures, participate in debates and are willing to ruffle some feathers.  If they make a few bucks while doing so, well, more power to them.  I haven't yet decided how valid their thoughts are because they are all over the place and cover many topics.  There could be a few idiots lurking in the group but even idiots sometimes have worthwhile ideas.  I may listen to them but I'm not going to bet the farm.

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