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Monday, May 29, 2017

Those Pesky Russians!

Silly me, when the Russians renounced Communism way back in 1990 I figured that they would become good guys. They were quickly replaced in the bad guy role by the Islamic extremists anyway. Looking back on it, the Islamic extremists had always been there, but nobody noticed them until the Russians got out of the way. Now it seems like the Russians are trying to weasel their way back into the picture. How many bad guys do we need anyway?

I haven't been following the investigation of the Trump-Russian connection. Exactly what are they investigating? Something about interfering with our election, but how can that be? I seem to remember hearing multiple times that we don't need to require picture IDs for voting because there is absolutely no evidence of election fraud in the United States. I saw on the TV news this evening that the "Russian media" are alleged to have interfered with the latest French election. How many French people pay attention to the Russian media? I understand that, in our case, Trump and Putin allegedly got together and hatched some kind of plot, but I don't know what they were allegedly plotting to do. Did Putin offer to send a bunch of his people over here disguised as Mexicans so they could vote illegally? What did Trump offer to do in return? I suppose I could look it up, but I would rather get my news from a trustworthy source.

Everybody must not have hated Nixon, because he won re-election by a landslide. It was only after the Watergate scandal broke that people began to deny that that they had voted for him. Truth be known, the majority had voted for Nixon, and now that same majority was calling for his head. This led one of my paper mill colleagues to coin the phrase, "The trouble with majority rule is that the majority is stupid."

I don't think war as chess game, or any other kind of non-lethal game, would work. Whichever side lost would likely claim that the other side had cheated, overturn the game table, and go for their guns.

I've heard of that DNA tracing thing. At first they were paying people to participate, and now they want people to pay them to participate, so it must have become popular. I seem to remember that, when they did it in Europe, they found that almost everybody had a little Attila The Hun in them. Reminds me of one of our local legends. One of the early White settlers in our area was a popular fur trader named Sanderson, or something like that. He had blond hair and blue eyes, and everybody called him "Sandy". The Indians liked him because he always paid them a fair price for their furs, and maybe for some other reasons as well. To this day, whenever a blond haired blue eyed Indian is born, people snicker and say. "One of Sandy's children."

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