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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Irregular People

I don't know what point Uncle Ken was trying to make with that awful film clip, but it certainly does not depict regular people. Now that I think of it, most of the people I know in real life are regular people, it's the people in the movies and on TV who are irregular, which is why I don't watch a lot of movies and TV. Remember that old TV show "Mork and Mindy"? Okay it was a stupid show, but it made at least one good point. Mork (Robin Williams) was a space alien who had been hovering around Earth for some time monitoring our TV broadcasts. By the time he did land on our planet, he naively believed that he had learned all he needed to know about Earth culture, and that he could blend right in. TV has generally gone downhill since those days, and Mork would have an even harder time today adapting to life on Earth if all he knew about us was what he had seen on TV, and I'm not just talking about the sitcoms either. I don't know why they have to make awful movies like the one Uncle Ken shared with us. Isn't the daily news bad enough?

It's nice that all you culturally diverse people get along so well in Chicago. Part of the reason might be that all the people who didn't want to live under those conditions left town a long time ago but, if you're happy with it, that's all that matters. I'm not worried about anybody telling me where I can work or go to school because I don't have to do that stuff anymore. I doubt that anybody would ever try to kick me out and take possession of my 88 acres of prime swamp land next to a junk yard, which is one reason why I bought it.

As far as I'm concerned, Red China can go piss up a rope. If it wasn't for that RINO Nixon we still wouldn't be talking to those people, much less buying their cheap stuff. It has to be cheap to sell it here because most Americans no longer get paid enough to buy anything but cheap stuff.

I looked up "twill" once. It refers to the way the threads in a piece of cloth are woven together. Twill cloth is generally thicker and stronger than the other kind, the name of which I have forgotten.

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