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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

how ye olde second amendment got written.

H W didn’t stop before reaching Baghdad because of the UN. He stopped because his advisors told him he would have a mess on his hands if he deposed Saddam. Those advisors were still around when W went in and his dad urged him to listen to them, but W wouldn’t because his own advisors told him that the troops would be walking down rose petal strewn paths, and it would be no trouble at all to transform Iraq into a stable democracy that would be the envy of the rest of the mideast causing everybody there to also convert to democracy, and there would be no more trouble from the middle east. Oh, and that Iraq would be so grateful that they would repay us our costs for invading them out of their oil money, so that in the end it wouldn’t even cost us anything.

I think you know that any plan involving the good of the hearts of the oil companies, or for the good of the hearts of anybody, is not a very good plan. And the oil producers I think are mostly multinational corporations and why should they give a fig about the US, and if the word got around that they were doing things out of the good of their hearts nobody would want to invest in them.

I’m sure you know that when Texas joined the union there was a provision that anytime they wanted to they could divide up into five separate states, and as a matter of fact they still could do it tomorrow if they so chose. They would have five times as many senators, why wouldn’t they want to do that?

Well in the first place they love Texas, every man jack of them, when the band is playing Beautiful Texas their hats are over their hearts and their eyes are misty with manly tears. On a more practical side, the senator from east Texas wouldn’t give a fig for the interests of west Texas and vice versa, and in the end instead of one mighty Texas would be just five
squabbling states with about the population of Colorado. And certainly if any of the original thirteen states had decided to go their own way, they never would have made it.

So maybe the founding fathers just never considered the possibility that a state would be foolish enough to leave the union. Of course it’s hard to know what they were thinking. Remember that thirsty late afternoon when they drafted the second amendment providing for the militia to be armed, and one of them objected that the way it was worded some idiot could think that they wanted everybody in the country to be packing heat, but then his bewigged buddy said nobody in the enlightened future could possibly interpret it that way, and it was hard to rewrite things when the delete button hadn’t yet been invented, and you were working with quills and ink for Chrissake, and yonder ale house would be starting its happie houre in just five minutes, so they let it go.

And because yon taverne offered two tankards of ale for the price of one we will never, never ever ever, pry that deer rifle out of Beagles’ hands. Though if we were real sneaky we might find a way to split the stock and force him to forgo a deer season.

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