There are four kinds of energy, electrochemical, gravity, and the
weak and strong nuclear forces. The weak nuclear (not electric) force is what’s
released when atoms break up and the strong nuclear force is what keeps the
atoms together. In the beginning of the big bang there was one kind of energy,
the ur energy which split into the four shortly afterwards. When scientists run
their cyclotrons one of the things they are trying to do is replicate the
conditions early in the big bang to determine what this ur energy was like and
how the four types of energy relate to each other.
So far they have been able to link the electrochemical, and the
weak and strong nuclear forces, but gravity, like the cheese, stands alone. I
think that is one of the reasons that they are always searching for gravity
waves. It will be a big deal when they find them, but so far, nada. But I am
speaking a little beyond my expertise here.
Speaking or expertise, did you notice how I said ur energy. I have
been seeing this prefix around lately and it seemed to me to mean something like
primal. I thought it came from the ancient city of Ur, but before I ventured to
use it on my own I went to the wiki, and it turns out it is a German prefix
meaning: ur- (proto-, primitive, original).[1] So you
see, another good thing about the Beaglesonian Institute, it makes us look up
things. If I was talking to the drunk on the next barstool, I would have never
bothered to do that.
There seem to be a couple schools on whether computers can be like
brains. One side says, sure, all we need is bigger, faster, computers all
hooked up together. I don’t remember how many synapsis are in the brain, but
way more than our biggest computers, but these guys figure eventually we will
reach that number and then we will be close to replicating the human brain.
Others say no, it is apples and oranges, the computer is nothing like a brain.
I am in the latter school, but it is just an opinion.
I have to correct myself here. I was talking about the unconscious
mind when I meant subconscious. The prevalent theory is that dreaming has
something to do with memory, in that people who are allowed to sleep after
studying something remember more than people who weren’t. I always think of it
as the little elves in the attic of my brain moving the new boxes onto new
shelves and in the process sometimes they bump up against the wall of the
subconscious mind and that causes a dream. Well that is scientific isn’t
Well here is an odd thing, why are we conscious of our dreams?
What purpose does that serve?
Wait a minute, I don’t believe that we have a soul.
I don’t even know what soul means, that and spiritual, when people say they are
spiritual I have no idea what they are talking about, and frankly, I don’t think
they do either, but I’m usually too polite to mention it. That thing about the
candle and besmirching the garment was all what I think some people think but
not me.
If there was a time before we were conscious, and there will be a
time afterwards when we are not conscious, aren’t we getting to something coming
out of nothing, and then that something going into nothing? Isn’t that nothing
preceding itself?
Had to go back through Beaglesonia to get that quote. Do you ever
read our past entries
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