Beagles, I don't believe that you ever wrote about taking the sleep apnea test. you know where they wire you up and I guess kind of watch over you. I assume they don't go to all that bother for just one person so I imagine they have a big room, or set of rooms where there are all these wired up folks tossing and turning while the white coats oversee them and jot down notes and whisper medical jargon to each other. Like some sci fi Guardians or Lords or something.
At one point they, you know THEM, wanted me to take a test but I don't think I could ever sleep wired up like that in a big group and I'd just be tired as hell in the morning. Still I wondered what it would be like and would love to hear your observations.
I have heard people rave over how much better their lives are now that they sleep in a space helmet, so I am wondering if you aren't feeling it if maybe that is not the problem. Keep us informed, and don't forget to tell us about the test.
Jumping Jack(fruit) Flash is indeed a gas. You wonder about those little buds that bud out even though there is no hope that they could ever produce fruit and carry on their legacy. Reminds me of those very late tomato flowers that burst out all yellow with big ambitions of becoming a big fat red fruit, but my the days are short, and rather chilly out there too.
I think my apartment is a little further to the left. There is an amazing doc about how they put it up casting pancake after pancake and putting them atop the other. Made by the company that made the cement, probably a cyber sleuth such as Old Dog could find it on the web somewhere. Not too long after I moved in I had a screen door put on my bedroom. I thought with all those doors it would be a standard thing, but they each had to be made individually. After they installed one of the pancakes inevitably it would lean just a tad in one direction or the other so they would have to adjust the next one to make everything level again, but they would never get it quite right so they would have to adjust the next one too and so on and so on all the way to the top, so every door is just a teence different.
That's what the guy told me and I think it is a damn good story.
My sunflowers have not popped out and I was thinking maybe the seeds were old so I popped into Target to buy new ones and as long as I was there I remembered I was short on bar soap so I was looking for it in some section where there were shampoos so how far can soap be, but I couldn't find it. So I asked somebody where is the bar soap and he asked somebody else and she asked me, Men or women's. Well men's I guess, so she pointed me somewhere and when I went there all there was was this Axe stuff (Axe is stuff teenage boys slather all over their bodies in the hopeless hope that it will attract teenage girls), but, I asked, don't you have like Ivory or Dial or Irish Spring or something, and she said, oh, that's in the women's soap shelf. So here I am soaping myself up in the morning with women's soap I bought at Target the notorious pro LBGTQ (or LBGTQIA+ for you hipsters), doing my part for my side in the culture wars.
Zucchini is my new visitor to the garden. I don't expect to get much fruit from it, but I'd like to see how it grows, and tomatillos are returning for a second season. Lately I have been growing heirloom tomatoes but I don't get all that much fruit from them, and their growth is somewhat lethargic and they are prone to mysterious plagues so I am growing mostly hybrids this year, because I like thick green growth. I can always just buy heirlooms.
I did try a bird bath of sorts last year but they didn't show any interest. I guess they are a bunch of dirty birds.